Work with internationally renowned soprano and teacher Barbara Bonney in Salzburg, Austria. Our curated, three-day sessions are a sanctuary for singers of all levels, ages, and backgrounds to gather together and learn, experience and discover their UNIQUE voice and artistry in a small group setting. Through an intensive program of daily master classes each group of singers will learn together as Ms. Bonney shares her philosophies on singing, technique, musical preparation, performance practice, artistry and much more!

In this course singers will focus on the Scandinavian Songs of Grieg, Sibelius, Stenhammar, and others. Ms. Bonney’s Scandinavian disc, "Diamonds in the Snow" together with Antonio Pappano, won the Gramophone Award for best solo vocal recording. 

Classes take place in idyllic Salzburg, Austria, and each course is limited to FOUR participants so that each singer receives ample individualized instruction.

Course tuition is  €1,250.00. Please click HERE for more information and to apply!


Master Class: Mozart Songs and Arias with Barbara Bonney


4-Week Intensive Summer Study Course